Importance to the Guitar World

As composer and conductor Henrik Rung occupied an important place in Danish musical life in the 19th century but it is perhaps primarily for his songs, which have become part of the national heritage, that he is honored by having a street in Copenhagen named after him. However his skill as a performer on the guitar and composer for his instrument deserves to be equally remembered and appreciated. Here too he reveals himself as a Danish national composer, whose background is in the Viennese tradition, and as such he makes a valuable contribution to the repertoire for guitarists which can provide an alternative to the dominance of Spanish guitar impressionism.His music for guitar and strings written for his own childrens musical education remains the only existing chamber music from the nineteenth century with a didactic substance. In other words Henrik Rung enriched the guitar world with a major chamber music school.

Henrik Rung  (1807-1871), article


Henrik Rung's grave at Holmens cemitary